efficiency and timely fulfillment of obligations


Ar-Namis LLP, represented in the market of the Republic of Kazakhstan since May 2022, specializes in supplying special means to law enforcement and special agencies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, collection services, private security organizations, as well as individuals and legal entities interested in the current product line.

Today Ar-Namis LLP is one of the leading companies providing demand for both popular budget and popular premium positions. Among the key advantages are not only reasonable prices with impeccable product quality, but also well-established service.
The company has a stable reputation of a reliable supplier, promptly solving any requests of its customers.

We're proud to partner with companies like:
Kazakhstan Ministry of Defense
Ministry of Internal Affairs
The National Guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Our product offerings are partially in the following business lines:

protective equipment
weapons tuning
special tools
special tools
Our partners


Our company has sufficient resources, including the required regulatory and legal, authorization documents and material and technical base, which allows us to solve a wide range of tasks set by the “Customer” in a highly professional manner and in the shortest possible time.

Ar-Namis LLP carries out its activities in compliance with all legislative norms required in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, taking into account the peculiarities.


Ar-Namis LLP cooperates and has strong partnership relations with a number of leading plants and enterprises represented in the world market of special means and armament segment. The factories of our partners are located in such countries as Turkey, Serbia, Bulgaria, China, Russia, Belarus, Israel, Pakistan, India and others. The products offered by us are in service with the Armed Forces and law enforcement agencies of many countries around the world.